Presentation Technique

Fed up with boring PowerPoint presentations?

The actor’s key task is to make the text and the characters come alive and be believable. You can also learn how to do this so that you radiate more energy.
We train you in how to integrate theatre techniques with presentation skills, and in the use of PowerPoint. You will achieve greater personal impact, you will learn how to communicate clearly and you will become more confident in your own ability to get your message across effectively.


  • You learn to communicate clearly and effectively
  • You learn which tools to use and how to use them effectively to develop your material
  • You learn how to deal with nervousness
  • You train your ability to connect with your audience
  • You learn how to work consciously with body language
  • You learn some tips on how to get the best out of your voice
  • You develop the ability to perform under pressure
  • You train your ability to be ”in the now”
  • You learn how to motivate your audience
  • You acheive greater credibility
  • You learn how to use audio-visual techniques
  • You become conscious of your own unique abilities and how you can get the most out of them

Kamstrup went through a 6 month training programme aimed at increasing focus on selling company products internally. The practical part of the course was especially useful for participants. Everyone was individually challenged. The trainer’s ability to latch on to the most critical performance areas and then, through role play, to make them obvious to the participants was quite unique. Thanks to this course, the general level of presentations within Kamstrup has increased significantly – not only for the participants themselves but also for colleagues attending presentations.”
Flemming Jensen, Product Group Manager, Kamstrup.

Teater Turnaround

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